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Deer Antler Velvet and everything you need to know about it.

Potential Benefits Of Deer Antler Velvet That Are Backed by Science

Athletic performance, muscle strength, endurance, and recovery:

It may improve athletic performance, such as muscle strength, stamina, aerobic fitness, and faster recovery, according to a study. It is frequently utilized by sportsmen to improve performance in Russia, Korea, and China. A growing number of athletes in the United States are turning to deer antler velvet as a training aid, a catalyst for effective ways to deal with physical exertion and illness, and perhaps even as injury prevention. It may enhance athletic efficiency in a variety of ways, including enhancing stamina and endurance, enhancing blood’s ability to carry oxygen, facilitating minimal tissue damage, and enhancing the immune system.
Velvet from deer antlers may raise levels of testosterone and human growth hormones (HGH):

Numerous studies have been conducted to determine how deer antler velvet affects cell repair and development. For those looking for a natural supply of hormones to support muscular growth and development, deer antler velvet may be an option. Numerous growth factors, such as IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-1), IGF-2 (Insulin-like Growth Factor-2), and EGF, have been is covered in the velvet of deer antlers (Epidermal Growth Factor).
IGF-1 and HGH are often confused by people. The two hormones are intimately related to one another. IGF-1 is produced in part by HGH. HGH, which is produced by the pituitary gland, enters the liver and other nearby tissues where this starts the synthesis of and increases the development of IGF-1. IGF-1 levels and HGH levels have a strong positive correlation which is well recognized.
Bone and joint health:

The decline of cartilage in bone joints is the primary cause of osteoarthritis. Normally, cartilage acts as a divider between both the bones in the joints. Osteoarthritis causes cartilage to degenerate more rapidly than the body can repair it, even though normally cartilage is replenished as it fades away. The bones finally start to rub against one another, which results in pain, edema, and decreased joint range of motion. The majority of osteoarthritis treatments focus on minimizing pain and preserving joint functionality, but they do nothing to improve the health of the joints.

Researchers think that a deficiency in glycosaminoglycans contributes to
the unbalance between cartilage degradation and rejuvenation in osteoarthritis patients. The stability of cartilage’s structural framework is greatly influenced by glycosaminoglycans. The substance seems to prevent the nutrients from cartilage from being depleted by enzymes. The molecules of chondroitin sulfate are large. Long chains of carbohydrates and sulfur make up the chondroitin sulfate molecules, which form minuscule gaps filled with fluid. These areas shield and bolster joints.


Velvet from deer antlers supports normal sexual performance. Modern studies have found that deer antler velvet exhibits gonadotropic action. It could raise testosterone levels in males and help avoid various problems linked to aging, according to studies by both Fisher and Wang. Estradiol is the estrogen hormone that is the most impacted by deer antler velvet. A forerunner of testosterone is estradiol.

It is said to enhance fertility, treat masculine erectile dysfunction, and boost desire, according to WebMD. Deer antler velvet has historically been employed to treat male sexual diseases such as impotence, watery sex, and early ejaculation. It may aid women by alleviating cramps, reducing mood swings, and boosting energy to deal with
premenstrual symptoms. Additionally, it is employed to treat menopause, sterility, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding, and vaginal discharges. According to Russian experts, substances present in the velvet of deer antlers help lessen the symptoms of menopause in females.


According to research, deer antler velvet supplements slowed down the action of some aging-related enzymes. Additionally, it promotes the action of other certain enzymes, which boosts the synthesis of liver and kidney protein. Reviews claim that this study provides compelling proof regarding deer antler velvet’s anti-aging properties. It has been shown in recent trials conducted in Japan to lessen senility-related symptoms. Its hormonal actions are presumably to blame for this. It has demonstrated notable benefits on aging-related biochemical markers in mice, a model for senility.
Blood pressure control:

Deer velvet improves the blood’s ability to transfer oxygen, promoting blood pressure control and circulation, according to studies. The potential of velvet antler to improve peripheral blood artery dilatation results in a drop in blood pressure. Deer velvet can stabilize aberrant blood pressure and reduce blood pressure in those with normal levels.

It has been demonstrated that it can increase the production of red blood cells in lab animals with induced anemia. Deer antler contains polysaccharides that have been associated with biological functions like enhancing circulation, lowering blood clotting risk, lowering stroke risk, and enhancing overall cardiovascular health.

Mental performance and mood:

Men between the ages of 18 and 23 were used in the experiment to examine the impact of Pantocrin, a deer velvet extract, on mental function (Taneyeva, undated). The test takers were instructed to change the text by replacing certain letters. The pantocrin-using patients outperformed the control group in terms of scores.
Stimulation of the immune system:

It has indeed been discovered to be a natural supply of immunoglobulins, that treat illness and infection, and it can boost the immune system.

The immune system could be stimulated by deer velvet, according to studies from China, New Zealand, and Korea. Various studies have demonstrated that deer antler velvet extracts can boost lymphocyte synthesis, increase the amount of red and white blood cells, and increase macrophage activity. Each of these outcomes may directly support the body’s capacity to fend against or combat disease, promoting and maintaining health along with the related sense of well-being.

Nutrients found in the velvet of deer antlers may, in principle, provide medical benefits. It was discovered that several enzymes containing antioxidant characteristics were found in a specimen of velvet antlers from the Formosan sambar deer, which is indigenous to Taiwan. This comprised glutathione peroxidase (GPx), catalase (CAT), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) (GPX).

Deer antlers may also possess certain therapeutic benefits due to their amino acid and peptide composition, according to an older 2013 review. Proteins are composed of amino acids, whereas peptides are collections of linked amino acids.

More recent studies have linked the protein content of deer antler velvet to the velvet’s health advantages. The idea that protein peptides derived from antler velvet might have anti-inflammatory, immune-regulating, and cardio effects is also supported by several recent test-tube investigations. Last but not least, nucleosides, the chemical components that makeup DNA, are found in deer velvet. These may be the cause of the alleged anti-fatigue properties of antler velvet. Bioactive substances such antioxidants, proteins, polypeptides, nucleosides, and others are abundant in deer velvet. These are thought to be in charge of their therapeutic qualities.

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